Wednesday, November 04, 2009

titled Cosmo

I had some ideas and some bullshit to throw up, all were being hardly process and I being running deeper and deeper , completes around the world, bullshit bullshit, politics , look book and all the big community of little sissies posers thinking they look original when they don't, and although I've been planning a post for weeks about the atrocity of this hole world, the porpoise of the people, how and why I think we don't have any, idea of Death as the only certain think we all have in common and how sad is that, yesterday my girlfriend's pet die, I haven't got any pet that really keep my attention like this one even it wasn't mine, I took care of her for some months, and even it is such a small little creature, in one second my mind was filled with you, how empty this room feels without you, and it makes me think how complex what it is important could be described , how difficult is to deal with Death and how unfit I am to deal with this world, this bunny was important to us, I felt so bad when I heard it was dying, Cosmo you have a little place in us , I feel quite bad for all the little things I did to bug you, to "teach" you what was important to us, I would like make an apology to you, and as someone important in my life you deserve your little post here WE WILL MISS YOU SO MUCH.


ni_mini said...


ay que feo

itachi said...

si? no te gusto :(!

ni_mini said...

jajaja si si me gustó. Pero cuando me pongo triste esta foto se me pega en la cabeza y es aún mas triste... estraño a la conejita